The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing
Written by Neil Patel & Kathryn Aragon
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In this chapter, you'll find 12 tried-and-true templates that content writers have used successfully for years. These templates are invaluable for finding the right structure for the type of content you're creating.
Why is this important? Because when it comes to communicating your ideas, the way you organize and present them is as important as your ability to put them into words.
In most cases, one of these templates will suffice. What's more, these templates work for video and audio content as well as written.
So each time you begin a project — no matter what type of content it is — after gathering research and developing your ideas, review these templates to find the best structure for your particular message. Then all you have to do is plug in your ideas and develop each section.
What are the 12 structures?
For short content, you can use one of these formats as you see them here. For longer content, you may mix and match them. For instance, your overall project may be a thought leadership piece, but individual chapters may use other formats, such as how-to, case study, or interview.
When it comes to content creation, variety adds to the overall impact of your content. So don't settle for just one or two. Experiment. Try different formats. And enjoy the creative process.
Let's take a look at each of them now.
Sometimes the point you want to make is simple enough to express in your introduction. The real value is in the examples you provide, showing your readers how other people have applied the information you share.
When that's the case, try an example post.
Readers love this type of article because they can see many examples in one place, without having to do the research themselves.
Title it right
The title often includes a number, such as 10 ways to show your inner geek, or 5 types of tiles you'll love in your kitchen.
In the article, you can number your examples or not. It's up to you. So how do you structure an example post?
Tell people what you're talking about and why they'll be interested in it.GIVE AN EXAMPLE
The subhead may be the product name, as in this example from Houzz.com.http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/7313761/list/Guest-Picks--Beautiful-Backsplash-Tiles-for-Every-BudgetOr it could be a method or concept. This one, from Mashable, gives a general idea, followed by a specific resource:Pictures aren't necessary in the Example format, but if your example is visual, pictures can help clarify your points.EVALUATE IT
After you give an example, talk about it. Include a few sentences about why you like it (or don't like it), why it works, or how your readers can get it.REPEAT WITH REMAINING EXAMPLES
Follow the same format for all your examples. There is no right number of examples to use. We've seen posts that focused on two examples, and we've seen posts that give 20 or more.In general, in short-form content, the fewer examples you provide, the longer (or more detailed) your evaluation. In long-form content, you have the space to provide a lot of examples and in-depth evaluation.CONCLUSION/CALL TO ACTION
Many example posts leave this off. But you can make your content stand out if you'll wrap it up for your readers. End your article with:Then include your call to action. Ask for comments or social shares. Or tell people to visit another page on your website.
This type of content is very similar to the Example post above. But in this type of content, you aren't simply sharing examples of your point. You're making statements about your topic.
Each section provides another point, which is then illustrated and discussed.
A good example of this type of post is 5 Essential Qualities of Irresistible Product Descriptions, which you can find at http://blog.crazyegg.com/2013/01/26/5-essential-qualities-of-irresistible-descriptions.
Tell people what your topic is and why it matters.MAKE YOUR FIRST POINT ABOUT YOUR TOPIC.
Try to find a quick and easy way to summarize your point. This summary statement will be your subhead. If you like, number your points.This particular post draws examples from different brands advertising online. So it includes the source at the end of the point.ILLUSTRATE IT.
If you have an image, include it under your subhead.This example makes a point about product descriptions, so the illustration is words, not a graphic. That's okay. Simply take a screen shot of your example and post it as your illustration.- If you use a screenshot of words, check readability before you publish. If the words in your illustration aren't readable, forget the screen shot. Quote your source instead.
- For screen shots, you can use Microsoft's Accessory, "Snipping Tool."
Or use SnagIt, by TechSmith, which is available for PCs and Macs. You can find it at http://www.techsmith.com/download/snagit/default.aspEXPLAIN IT.
Include a paragraph or two that expand on your point. Give an explanation. Then give a practical tip on how your readers can implement it.REPEAT WITH REMAINING PIE SECTIONS.
Follow this same format for all your points.CONCLUSION/CALL TO ACTION
This type of article needs a strong close. So make sure you tell your readers why your topic is important and what it means in their own lives.Then, as always, give a call to action.
If you want to share a new idea, one of the best ways to get people on board is to create a logical argument that leads people to arrive at the same conclusion you have.
With this type of post, you don't start with your main point. You start with something your readers already know and accept.
Then you build on that idea using the logical framework of a syllogism.
If your first point (A) means this (B). And if this (B) means that (C), then you must consider that as a real possibility.
The example below is by from the article, Marketing Has Changed. Are You Keeping Up and is available at http://www.kathrynaragon.com/marketing-has-changed-are-you-keeping-up/
With this type of content, you want to start with something engaging. Perhaps a story, an interesting thought, or a startling statement.IF A = B
Begin your first section with a topic or idea that your readers already accept. Then tie it to your second idea. Use research, stories, or logic to make a strong connection and back up your ideas.AND B = C
In the next section, take your idea one step further. Tie it to your main point. Make it a natural progression of your opening idea.THEN A = C
Now make your final point. Make it clear that this is a logical extension of the known fact (A) that you started with. If possible, use research or a story to support your statements.ADDITIONAL POINTS
You may need some additional discussion to bring home your final point. Now that you're on topic, you can add those thoughts here.CONCLUSION/CALL TO ACTION
Give a strong conclusion. You now have your readers thinking. Give them something to chew on.Then give your call to action. It's a good idea to ask for comments after this type of post. Then take the time to respond. People are more likely to engage with you if they know you'll answer their comments.
You may recognize this as the standard format used by journalists over the last century.
It was developed when writers delivered their stories via telegraph. And it was ideally suited to print because the main idea was given in the first paragraph of a story — which meant an editor could cut an article to fit whatever space was available.
But those days are over.
We now live in a digital world. We send messages via email, not telegraph. We publish digital books and magazines, which have no paper-size restrictions.
This format is losing its popularity, but it's still an accepted structure for news-style articles. So if you're writing a press release or news announcement, this may be a good option for you.
A classic example by Honeywell is at http://honeywell.com/News/Pages/World%E2%80%99s-Leading-Auto-Engineering-Org-Says-It-Has-High-Level-Of-Confidence-In-Safety-Of-Honeywells-Low-Global-Warming-Refrig.aspx
The traditional inverted pyramid press release starts out with all the facts: who, what, where, when, why and how.If you're writing for a news service, include this information in your first sentence or two.If you're writing for a blog, jazz it up a bit. Give the information, but make it interesting. Lead with an unusual fact or statistic. Then give all the required information.SECOND MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION
The inverted pyramid is aptly named. Each successive paragraph gives information that's less relevant to the overall point.So tell your story from most important facts to least important.You can keep the middle of the article interesting by introducing a bit of story, a specific example, or interesting news relevant to the story.QUOTE TO BACK UP YOUR CLAIMS
As you near the end of the article, your story will dwindle. That's because most of the important information was told in the beginning.You will feel like your article closes with minor facts and story bits. Keep the interest level high by sharing an interesting quote or a concluding thought that is inspired by your news.BOILERPLATE CLOSE/CALL TO ACTION
Most press releases end with a "boilerplate," or short paragraph about the company or brand being written about.Traditionally, the call to action is a link to your website or landing page.
An interview is viewed as a high-value piece of content. That's because it shares inside information that most people don't have access to.
Most interviews these days include audio or video as well as the written transcript. But you can still publish a written interview without media.
Format it in whatever way suits you and your readers. Do be aware, though, that just posting a video or audio file doesn't optimize your content page. So even if you opt for a video or podcast, add written content to go with your media.
Open the article by introducing your interviewee. Give background information about him or her. Then introduce the general topic of your interview.ASK QUESTION.
If you're going for a written format, pose your question.RECORD THE ANSWER.
Transcribe your interviewee's comments in full.REPEAT TILL DONE.
Keep listing questions and answers until the interview is done.CONCLUSION/CALL TO ACTION
Wrap up your interview with some kind words about your interviewee, or consider highlighting one of the comments in the interview.If the interviewee has written a book or created a product, highlight it at the end of your interview and link to it.End with a call to action.
Some lists are short and some are long — we're talking 30, 50 or 100 long — but it doesn't really matter. People love lists. The longer, the better.
One of the secrets to making lists work is to include the number in your title.
While it's impressive to end with multiples of 5 or 10, don't be afraid of odd numbers. You can get more attention with 7, not 10, or 21, rather than 20 items in your list.
For a bit of fun, put your list in reverse order. Begin with the last item and work your way down to your number-one item.
This article by Cracked.com, is a great example. You can find it athttp://www.cracked.com/article_18410_the-12-most-insane-things-you-can-buy-internet.html
Link posts are a great way to add SEO value to your website. By creating Web pages that link to other pages — whether on your own website or others — you can improve your site's rank.
Here's why…
When you create Web pages that link to other high-value websites, Google may begin to see you as an authoritative site.
And when you link to your own Web pages, you can keep people on your site longer, reducing your bounce rate and increasing your page views per visit.
Do that consistently, and Google may assign you points for Trust and Authority.
With link posts, length doesn't matter. It's the basic structure that does the job. And here's how you can do it.
Book reviews are a great way to provide thought leadership.
You can essentially be the Oprah of your community, recommending books, curating ideas, and helping people find the information they need to succeed.
As a perk, these activities also give you Trust and Authority status with search engines.
It's easy.
Here's one by Brand Driven Digital, athttp://www.branddrivendigital.com/do-you-need-the-impact-equation-book-review/
Product reviews are similar to book reviews and are an easy way for you to build authority as a solutions provider for your followers.
For instance, if a new tactic is gaining momentum in your space, and if you find a product that makes it easier to implement, you owe it to your followers to tell them about it.
You can treat product reviews like the book review above. To do that you simply introduce the product and talk about what it does and whether it's worth the purchase.
Or you can combine the product review with a how-to article and add significant value.
Like this article, available at http://www.kathrynaragon.com/author-rank-plugin/
Product reviews become high-value content when you compare different products in the same space. For an example of this type of post, take a look at this post by The Sales Lion:
How-to articles are some of the most-searched-for and most-read information on the Internet.
If you have a solution to a common problem, by all means, turn it into content.
Simple solutions make great blog posts or videos. But if your solution is more complicated, consider creating longer content. You can create special reports, ebooks and even multi-media programs to share your solutions.
No matter how long or short, though, you should follow the same basic structure.
This post from Crazy Egg is a good example: http://blog.crazyegg.com/2013/02/18/awesome-blog-posts/
Case studies are a great form of mid- to deep-funnel content. They can help people understand the value of your product or service. They can also provide value for customers, helping them get the most from your products.
Few organizations do them as well as MarketingSherpa. So for this example, we'll use one of theirs, which you can find at:
Media is a great way to add variety to your content and engage followers in whatever way they prefer.
People are so busy, they don't always have time to read your content. But if you provide the same information in a podcast, they can listen to it during their daily commute or exercise session.
The type of media you produce is limited only by your imagination. Popular formats include slide shows, infographics, video and audio.
The biggest challenge in publishing media is SEO — because search engines can't crawl media. So be sure to optimize your content by providing written content along with your media.
As we've already mentioned, the 12 formats provided in this chapter are useful for print content and media. They work equally well in blog posts, special reports, ebooks, and even full-length books.
Regardless of the length or format, you can use these same templates to structure your information — allowing you to speed up content creation and increase engagement levels.
So how do you use these formats in longer content?
The 12 templates provided in this chapter give you a basic framework for every type of content you are likely to produce.
Each time you start a content project, review the templates and find the best structure. Or mix and match them to create a unique format that's customized to your idea. Then get creative. Don't just say something new. Present your information in a unique way too.
This chapter wraps up our advanced tactics for planning and producing content. Click through to Chapter 7, where you'll find advanced tips for overcoming the most common content marketing roadblocks. You'll learn what to do when writer's block hits, and where to find good content writers if you can't (or don't have time) to write it yourself. In all, you'll learn 10 solutions to major content marketing challenges.